Create Payment Collection
Our API helps you collect payments using different payment methods. Payment methods are available for each regions. This endpoint requires that your encrypt the JSON data before making the request. Check out our documentation here for more details on card encryption.
authorization |
content-type String | application/json |
Body Parameters for Card Payments
reference | Specify a unique reference ID generated by your company to identify each customer. |
amount Integer | Amount should be in the subunit of our supported currency i.e your local currency or USD. |
currency String | Select the currency for the charges. Can either be in USD or in the local currency of your collection region. |
customer email String | The customer’s email address |
channel String | The channel is Card |
encryptedCard String | This contains the encrypted card data (token) and encryption key information gotten from your dashboard. This is based on the AES-256-GCM encryption algorithm. |
Sample Request Body for Card Payments
"reference": "ref-{{$randomUUID}}",
"amount": 5000,
"currency": "NGN",
"customer": {
"email": ""
"channel": "card",
"encryptedCard": "eudUxR9JoEw6hRmjOU9yO6PYDAOxW2CuoqRHq98eaDyyjX/ek9V6izh5dSHJ+z04K6UHswIjRvRhUvpH/ZXKsVdE/ZUT4zJ6DTWEUT+p4Dy6ZrnCMhGoFmCghkST2awAWz+ULC7fDg=="
Sample Response for Card Payments
200 OK
"id": "01dc7242-9357-44ea-9095-d8e91621f448",
"reference": "ref-af1b272c-e16d-4d7b-aac3-98721ee81b1e",
"spotflowReference": "SPF-FLW-8fb38e8fa22b4ab290e337b2afc835f5",
"amount": 5000.00,
"currency": "NGN",
"channel": "card",
"status": "pending",
"customer": {
"id": "3839716c-35b4-40f9-a04f-af8a399fb147",
"email": ""
"rate": 1,
"provider": "flutterwave",
"region": "Nigeria",
"authorization": {
"mode": "pin"
"card": {
"type": "Mastercard",
"firstSix": "553188",
"lastFour": "2950"
Body Parameters for Bank Transfer Payments
reference | Specify a unique reference ID generated by your company to identify each customer. |
amount Integer | Amount should be in the subunit of our supported currency i.e your local currency or USD. |
currency String | Select the currency for the charges. Can either be in USD or in the local currency of your collection region. |
customer email String | The customer’s email address |
channel String | The channel is bank transfer of the payment providers available on the system |
Sample Request Body for Bank Transfer Payments
"reference": "ref-{{$randomUUID}}",
"currency": "USD",
"customer": {
"name": "{{$randomFirstName}} {{$randomLastName}}",
"email": ""
"channel": "bank_transfer"
Sample Response for Bank Transfer Payments
200 OK
"id": "0e914ea4-067b-41cc-a3b6-0e0b401483bf", //payment id
"reference": "ref-53b4a49b-6fe5-4f13-8368-90798732cc31",
"spotflowReference": "SPF-FLW-82e3e1e5e3b348228741c8bd0a6be200",
"amount": 10,
"currency": "USD",
"channel": "bank_transfer",
"status": "provider_processed",
"bankDetails": {
"accountNumber": "0067100155",
"bankName": "Mock Bank"
"customer": {
"id": "232365a9-d956-4034-84c8-5d1d1152770c",
"name": "Quinton Hettinger",
"email": ""
"provider": "flutterwave",
"rate": 1540.66,
USSD Payments
Sample Response to Get All Banks (NG available currently)
200 OK
"code": "044",
"name": "Access Bank"
"code": "050",
"name": "Ecobank"
"code": "070",
"name": "Fidelity Bank"
"code": "011",
"name": "First Bank of Nigeria"
"code": "214",
"name": "First City Monument Bank (FCMB)"
"code": "058",
"name": "Guaranty Trust Bank"
"code": "030",
"name": "Heritage Bank"
"code": "082",
"name": "Keystone Bank"
"code": "303",
"name": "Lotus Bank"
"code": "105",
"name": "Premium Trust Bank"
"code": "221",
"name": "Stanbic IBTC Bank"
"code": "232",
"name": "Sterling Bank"
"code": "032",
"name": "Union Bank"
"code": "033",
"name": "United Bank for Africa (UBA)"
"code": "215",
"name": "Unity Bank"
"code": "090110",
"name": "VFD Microfinance Bank"
"code": "035",
"name": "Wema Bank"
"code": "057",
"name": "Zenith Bank"
Recurring Payment
Set up recurring payments for a subscription plan using Spotflow. Check out our documentation for more details.
authorization |
content-type String | application/json |
Body Parameters for Recurring Payments via Card
reference | Specify a unique reference ID generated by your company to identify each customer. |
planId String | Add the plan ID gotten when the subscription plan was created. Go to the Susbcription Plan Endpoint to know more. |
amount Integer | Amount should be in the subunit of our supported currency i.e your local currency or USD. |
currency String | Select the currency for the charges. Can either be in USD or in the local currency of your collection region. |
customer email String | The customer’s email address |
channel String | In this case, the channel is card using the available payment providers. |
encryptedCard String | This contains the encrypted card data (token) and encryption key information. This is based on the AES-256-GCM encryption algorithm. |
Sample Request Body
"reference": "ref-{{$randomUUID}}",
"planId": "5212007d-569f-4be5-a674-18ba21efb95f",
"amount": 5000,
"currency": "NGN",
"customer": {
"email": ""
"channel": "card",
"encryptedCard": "tbkROEv/afX0e8W60hfDuxWvZ5ErlW2InTN5q8FpM24jaD1gdxISO3uLqWl8CSP9DXujSAMEM6M6S/V7SEbcukhAN/Toj1mTrSBmYZ7lQvfAc0009W70ErZ0wD4z6d+wIvDdOVzJZw=="
Sample Response
200 OK
"id": "6cf2cfac-3919-42d8-89ec-ab73e594d225",
"reference": "ref-592109f8-9734-49e3-8c73-711510fac8b4",
"spotflowReference": "SPF-FLW-4146f5abadb74f6395e3625503543940",
"amount": 5000.00,
"currency": "NGN",
"channel": "card",
"status": "pending",
"customer": {
"id": "3839716c-35b4-40f9-a04f-af8a399fb147",
"email": ""
"rate": 1,
"provider": "flutterwave",
"region": "Nigeria",
"authorization": {
"mode": "pin"
"card": {
"type": "Mastercard",
"firstSix": "553188",
"lastFour": "2950"
Ensure you authorize the payments with our Authorize Payment Endpoint.